The Seasonal Landscape
The seasonal landscape should be explored as each season paints a picture and evokes an image...Fresh spring flowers, blue skies,glorious autumn leaves or icy frosts and deep grey skies.
Creating a seasonal landscape painting is about respondimg to a particular or possibly favourite time of year. Choosing and using colours carefully can conjure up the sense of a particular season.
Many artists have been challenged to create a series of paintings based on the seasons. Perhaps the choice of view remains the same and the colours and textures used reflect each season in turn. This is what I did when I created the paintings 'Four Seasons'. Working on all over, tissue paper, texture on box canvases I explored trees throughout the seasons.
![four seasons four seasons](
To consider a seasonal landscape in more detail please follow these links....
How do you capture Mother Nature's new life? What colours depict Spring? Do Spring flowers have to be included in a Spring Landscape Painting?
Spring Landscape Paintings
Hot sunny days and plants reaching maximum growth. Summer is often mixed with holidays and times of relaxation. A Summer Landscape Painting can capture a sense of wellbeing and new adventures.
Summer Landscape Paintings
How do you use Autumn colours and changing tree shapes? As the landscape prepares to rest how can this be captured and made attractive in a painting?
Autumn Landscape Paintings
I'm sure we've all seen a great variety of Winter Landscape Paintings. The challenge is to capture the mood and atmosphere. Winter is not just snow scenes but barren fields, fantastic silhouettes of trees, and large slate-grey skies.
Winter Landscape Paintings
The Seasonal Landscape can be full of colour follow this link to consider the use of colour in your paintings.